Before becoming a Salesforce-first company, each member of our team had worked on, or with, other database solutions or platforms. And for smaller organizations, those products did serve their purpose.
However, when facing the challenge of implementing a diocesan-wide platform that could encompass such a wide range of data types, stratified permission levels, and user experience levels, Salesforce arose as the clear winner among various possible platforms.
Here are a few reasons why Meribah Flow builds on the Salesforce CRM Platform:
1. Salesforce offers a single integrated platform that replaces disparate spreadsheets, databases, task management systems, and messaging systems.
Needing to accommodate a donations engine for the fundraising department (ranging from one-time donations to recurring offertory gifts, from securities to estate transactions), the Chancery (tracking clerical affiliations, assignments, residence, etc.), Safe Environments (parish-based coordinators informing diocesan responsible person), Ministries and Outreach (events for youth, family, etc.), Cemeteries (introductory webinars, tours and other initiatives converting into plot purchases) and other offices, Salesforce is flexible enough to deal with the complete dataset.
2. Salesforce is built to provide a 360 view of a Constituent - their Interests,
Interactions, Donations, Volunteer History, Activities, and more... and from 1 record page!
For any single Contact record, you're able to link to and view department-specific records for every existing diocesan office!
3. Salesforce provides the ability to quickly build new apps, automation, and features, so your CRM platform can grow along with your organization's growth in mission.
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4. Salesforce's context-based chat (Chatter), tasks, and events, all helps to reduce time looking for emails and switching between task and communication systems.
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5. Salesforce has the single largest 3rd party ecosystem for system integrations and extensions.
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